One of the greatest marketing challenges businesses face is perfecting their content CTR. In digital marketing, CTR means Click-Through Rate. CTR tracks the number of clicks an ad earns per a certain amount of impressions (times the content is seen.)
A high CTR is essential to the success of your marketing tactics, because it indicates a high amount of interaction (clicks) with your content and can help you figure out how to create the best quality of content for your audience. Are you settling for a low CTR and unimpressive PPC score?
There are three simple ways not start not settling: with high-quality content to begin with, powerful headline language, and offering something your audience can only access for a limited time, such as discounts. (Plus: A bonus tip you’ll find at the bottom!)
The simplest way to achieve a high CTR is by creating excellent, eye-catching content in the first place. Whether it’s a video, GIF, graphic, or blog, good content will always score higher than sloppy, ill-prepared content. But how do you know your content is great?
Great content is:
To create quality content quickly and efficiently, we recommend seriously researching your target audience, business brand, and language you wish to use, which can be a time-consuming process. Alternatively, hire someone whose specialty is to understand your company’s brand across all platforms and create excellent content for you at the drop of a hat.
Words matter, especially when it comes to PPC. Every word you use is a gamble; your language must drive your target audience to click your content, leading them one step closer to becoming a new or returning consumer to your product of business.
Powerful language is:
Above all else, the language you use should hook into the wants and needs of the consumer while reflecting your company’s branding choices. When in doubt, while writing content for your business, keep your lines short and clear, and run your headlines through an analyzer for good measure. Or even simpler, delegate your written content to professionals for a fraction of the time and cost.
Perhaps the easiest way to draw the eye of your target audience is urgency, and offering discounts for their clicks is a great chance to create said urgency. When your content promises limited supplies or applies pressure by offering something only for a limited time, potential consumers tend to act on their impulses and click through the content to acquire the goods.
The best promises are:
How and when you offer discounts depends on the nature of your business, your branding strategy, and your target audience; deciding on your discounts or sales should be an internal group effort amongst product development and marketing. Try sitting down to consult with a colleague or two to decide on a content production calendar that matches up with timely deals, product launches, and topical issues in the industry that your product can help solve.
As previously noted, audiences don’t like to be fooled. Be careful while creating your content, and avoid click-baiting titles that make outlandish promises for clicking with little reward for the consumer. While your content should be persuasive and high-quality, part of that quality is delivering what you say you’ll deliver.
Honesty is the foundation of customer loyalty, and by extension customer retention. When a customer is given what they’re promised, it helps with your CTR now and later by building customer trust. In other words, when a consumer sees more of your content, they’ll have confidence that content will deliver.
Honest content is another ideal that iMediaBay takes very seriously, and we instill it in everything we do (and everything we create for you, too!)
Achieving high CTR is a matter of creating quality content that draws the eye, making simple adjustments to brand language, and offering a sense of urgency. Luckily, all three of these strategies are simple enough to employ the second you can! However, remaining consistent with your content and producing enough quality content quickly enough to match your competitors are where things get tricky. When it comes to that, we seriously recommend looking to a professional creative content process to help pick up the slack.
Need more advice? Feel free to contact us! [email protected]