Animations are a great way to engage your audience and it has been proven impactful even in the advertising industry. Various niche businesses have been trying out animation in their advertising campaigns and find it to be more successful than the traditional approaches, owing to the higher engagement from animations.
According to a recent study, over 65% of people are visual learners, and around 90% of the information that the brain receives is visual. And what's more? Over the years marketers have seen immense success when their ad campaign has a moving image or video on the landing page. Thus, driving social media marketing in the direction of video-based advertising.
The Internet has made it easy to find so much information with so little effort. Thus reducing the attention span of your users. So, if you wish to sell your ideas, products, and services on the social media platform it needs to be catchy, engaging, and interactive. Take for instance the way Google Doodle interacts with the users. Those tiny icons on top of the search engine's logo prompt people to click there, watch the animation and learn more about what it stands for. Isn't that the ideal process or reaction your brand deserves too?
The animation is an advancement in video advertising because it helps the marketer cut through the noise, attract the viewer's attention, and retain it until the conversion decision is made.
Tell your brand's story in the most engaging yet not intrusive way. Animations are exciting and do not come across as intrusive like video ads, so people are more likely to watch it. This makes it easy for you to take them on your brand's journey in a simple, fun, and engaging way!
People do not find it interesting to read long texts, watch other people talk, or explain the product. Animated videos can come in handy in such instances as they can give the users a glimpse of the product or service without talking about it in detail. The YouTube channel TED-Ed uses animation to explain various complex concepts that might put you to sleep if explained in any other format.
The animation is entertaining and you can reuse this content on multiple social media platforms. What's more? People are most likely to share it, thus adding to the entertainment factor of your brand. The best part is that no matter what industry, verticle, or genre of business you are into. And you can make it part of your marketing campaign seamlessly.
Animations are relatively easy to produce and cost-effective when compared to producing live videos. Imagine having to spend all your funds on finding actors, script, shooting the video, cutting, and editing the video before publishing it on all your social media platforms. What's more, videos also run the risk of not communicating the message effectively to your global audience. However, animation, on the other hand, does not have a language, giving it a global appeal.
In short, video advertising is trending and animation is the in thing! So, do not miss out on this and make sure you reach out to your audience right away. For further questions or assistance in creating video ads, animations, or other creatives for your brand, feel free to reach out to us!