Video advertising is a huge world of opportunity. 81% of business have to tap into videos for advertising and over 500 million hours of videos are seen on Youtube daily. With the staggering setting the stage, the imperative question is about making videos that are memorable and bring in potential leads.
If you recollect the most memorable videos would the ones that are ‘Vulnerable', and they hit home with emotions that entails a purchase, and a brand image that stays with you for a long time. Whenever brands explore the raw and unaltered human emotions, they win the hearts of their viewers by a mile.
Google Nest unveiled an all-in-one smart home device that could be used for a range of things including thermostat, camera, doorbell, alarm system, lock, and more. With a widescreen display, and all portable model. Their ad released on May 7th 2019 which focuses on vulnerable human emotions that everyone can connect. The advertising puts their product into the lives of the people as it is, helping to connect easily.
Taking a hard look at this type of advertising, you can understand why most of these ads went viral and hence memorable.
Google Android’s “Friends Furever" came out in 2015. It shows the unlikely friendship between animals, and needless to say, much of these were curated, and it did take a while to get them filmed. It concludes with "Be together. Not the same" is so poignant.
Canadian Tire’s timely advertising “Wheels" was one of the viral videos for all the right reasons back in 2017. It is a classic case study of breaking the borders to represent values of the company instead of just the products. Such candid display of philosophy of the company can turn heads, and bond hearts to the brands.
Coca-Cola known for putting up intriguing marketing campaigns released one in December 2016 ahead of the Christmas Season - Coca-Cola: The Last Customer. It focused on those who would not be on holidays that season, and who help things happen smoothly. The idea was to give something back to society, and to those who work when everyone rests. This happened in the Philippines market and more than 15,000 people gave a surprise gifts in the season of Joy.
Another kind of vulnerable video marketing has been used by Always and Dove. They aim to break the barriers of the mind by asking the right questions. Their “Always: Like a Girl” and “Dove: Chose Beautiful" talks about ingrained subconscious biases. Their ads not only got the nod (mostly – some backlashes with Choose Beautiful) from people, raised the self-esteem of many, and brought in empathy in almost all – making the world a better place to live.
However you choose to bring vulnerability, it would work because it connects the hearts of scores of people across the world.
Step up and put the Vulnerable back into Video Advertising!