An estimated 416 million people are living with diabetes worldwide. That equates to 1 in 11 adults. Perhaps the most shocking statistic when it comes to diabetes is that 46% of people with diabetes are undiagnosed. This is what makes World Diabetes Day so important.
Those who are diagnosed need to maintain a strict diet as well as constantly monitor their blood sugar levels. So, for those with diabetes, every day is Diabetes Day. For your business, however, consider this upcoming world diabetes day an opportunity to connect with those living with diabetes in your community and help raise awareness beyond.
World Diabetes Day, observed on November 14 by the United Nations is a Day when you can reach out to diabetics in your sphere. This day could be the perfect opportunity for your business to stand out as a sympathetic, people-first operation; something consumers notice and respect. This goes especially for business in the medical field. Prescription drug producers can work with their distribution networks to promote diabetes awareness on a local level. In this case business and public health interests are aligned; the more individuals who see a doctor and get diagnosed the better. If your business produces foods, like fruit juice or energy bars, that help raise low blood sugar quickly you can help raise awareness too. You can work with grass roots diabetes awareness organizations to run a marketing campaign that lets your customers know that your business is a part of the solution to diabetes.
Social Media can be the most effective means of reaching out to a wide range of people without spending too much. Create posts that help raise awareness and show solidarity with diabetics. Use hashtags to reach a wider audience. Everyone is affected by diabetes so it’s all about casting as wide a net as possible. Talk to employees who have diabetes and encourage them to share their stories through your company’s broader social channels. This is a great opportunity to build positive brand recognition while also supporting a great cause! Pay attention to what is trending and engage with others who are participating on social media sites. People will appreciate your company helping to spread awareness and building trust among consumers is always a good thing.
While the number of those affected by diabetes around the world is staggering and the impressions that you can make online can be impressive remember that the community is affected by this as well. Many of your employees or their families are likely to have diabetes, get in touch with them and brainstorm a way to help spread awareness in the community. You can send some members of your marketing team to local schools to have a quick talk on the subject. You can hand out pamphlets at local shopping centers. These seemingly small efforts may not compare in scale to social media campaigns but they are much more likely to have a lasting impact on those closest to your business.